Online admission
for class-xi
in GHSS Nagaland
- Admission in Government Schools made easy.
- Register once and apply to any number of Schools and Streams.
- Uniform fee structure
- Apply using your mobile, laptop, PC, etc..
Selected list for online admission is now available in the portal.
Students can check their selection status after login
and make payment of admission fee online.
Lock your selection carefully if you are selected in more than one School/Stream..
A. GHSS-Chumukedima
B. GHSS-Singrijan
C. GHSS-Tseminyu
Your account for payment is activated, you can login by using your first three letters
of your first name followed by your phone No as the UserID and your phone no is your password.
Eg. Name: Temjen, Phone: 9876543212,
then your UserID: Tem9876543212 Password:9876543212